The first step to learn Chinese

Chinese is composed of Pinyin and Characters, each character have a Pinyin. First we learn Pinyin, then learn Characters.
The Pinyin contains 23 initial letters, 24 final letters, 16 Whole syllable. There are 4 tones in Pinyin. The way of pronunciation is like in English.
Today we learn 3 initial letters and 3 final letters.
1. The initial letters  (23)
b  p  m  f  d  t  n  l  g  k
h  j  q  x  zh  ch  sh  r  z  c
s   y  w
2. The final letters  (24)
a   o  e  i  u  ü   ai  ei  ui  ao
ou  iu  ie  üe  er  an  en  in  un  ün
ang   eng   ing  ong
3. Whole syllable (16)
zhi  chi  shi  ri  zi  ci  si  wu
yi   yu   ye  yue  yuan  yin  yun  ying
4.Pronounce  these  initial  letters
b--(as in “bum”)/b   p--(as in “pop”)/pɔ 
m--(as in “man”)/mɔ
5.Pronounce  these  final  letters 
a--(like “a” in father)   o—(like “oo” in  “door” )
e—(sounds like “ə”)
eg: ba-爸爸-dad  ma-妈妈-mom  pa-爬-climb


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