
Showing posts from February, 2020

Sichuan cuisine 2

Chuangchuangxiang Chuanchuanxiang is one of the characteristic traditional snacks in Sichuan, and it is also the most popular embodiment of grass-roots food. In fact, Chuanchuanxiang is another form of hot pot, so people often call it small hot pot. Boiled Beef It is a special traditional dish, belonging to Sichuan cuisine. The beef in this dish has a high protein content and a low fat content, so it tastes delicious and popular, enjoying the reputation of "pride in meat". Yibin burning noodles It is one of the most distinctive traditional snacks in Yibin, Sichuan Province. The original name is Xufu burning noodles, which used to be called oil bar noodles. Because the oil is heavy and anhydrous, it burns when ignited, so it's called burning noodles. Pot chicken Pot chicken chicken is a kind of Sichuan traditional snack, which belongs to Sichuan cuisine. It's not real chicken. It's spicy, delicious, sweet and salty. Fire whip beef It is ...

Sichuan cuisine 1

Sichuan cuisine, as the first of the four major cuisines in China, plays an important role in the history of Chinese cuisine. Therefore, there are many delicious foods in Sichuan, which are deeply loved by people. Today I introduce 5 dishes.  HOT POT Hot pot, famous for its numbing, spicy, fresh and fragrant, has become a representative delicacy in Sichuan and Chongqing. Mapo Tofu Mapo Tofu is one of the traditional famous dishes of Han nationality in Sichuan Province, which belongs to Sichuan cuisine. Mapo Tofu is characterized by numbing, spicy, hot, fragrant, crispy, tender, fresh and lively. It has a unique taste and smooth taste, which is popular in China. Pork Lungs in Chili Sauce It is a famous dish in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, created by Guo Chaohua and Zhang Tianzheng. The taste is spicy and refreshing, and the taste buds are flushed out after eating, which greatly increases people's appetite. Sichuan noodles with peppery sauce This noodle is a Si...

The first step to learn Chinese

Chinese is composed of Pinyin and Characters, each character have a Pinyin. First we learn Pinyin, then learn Characters. The Pinyin contains 23 initial letters, 24 final letters, 16 Whole syllable. There are 4 tones in Pinyin. The way of pronunciation is like in English. Today we learn 3 initial letters and 3 final letters. 1. The initial letters  (23 ) b  p  m  f  d  t  n  l  g  k h  j  q  x  zh  ch  sh  r  z  c s   y  w 2. The final letters  (24) a   o  e  i  u  ü   ai  ei  ui  ao ou  iu  ie  üe  er  an  en  in  un  ün ang   eng   ing  ong 3. Whole syllable  (16) zhi  chi  shi  ri  zi  ci  si  wu yi   yu   ye  yue  yuan  yin  yun  ying 4.Pronounce...

Introduction to Jinsha Site

Jinsha Site was found in February 2001 in urban Chengdu. It covers five square-kilometers, and dates back to 12th to 7th century B.C. (approximately 2900 – 3200 years ago). It was the capital of the ancient Shu Kingdom, which is considered to be the ancient civilization center along Yangtze River. It is the first significant archaeological discovery in China at the beginning of the 21st century, and also a significant archaeological event following the discovery of the Sanxingdui site in Sichuan Province. Therefore, it has become one of the Ten Major Archaeological Discoveries of China in 2001. So far, archaeologists have unearthed important features of large-scale palace foundation, sacrificial area, residential area, and burial site. On the site, a great variety of artifacts in large numbers were unearthed, including more than 5,000 articles of gold, bronze, jade, stone, ivory, and lacquered wood, as well as millions of pottery potsherds, tons of ivory and thousands of boa...

Guide to Chengdu Wuhou Shrine Museum

Chengdu is the largest city in West of China, The Chengdu Wuhou Shrine is one of famous historical sites. It commemorates Zhugeliang, a great prime minister who lived in the Three Kingdoms The Chengdu Wuhou Shrine was constructed as a temple to commemorate Liu Bei, his chancellor Zhuge Liang and other eminent Shu Han figures. Its existence originates from the first year of the Zhangwu Era under the reign of Emperor Zhaolie (Liu Bei) of Shu Han (221), when Liu Bei's Hui Mausoleum was being built, together with the Hanzhaolie Temple. Around 500 AD during the period of the Northern and Southern dynasties, Wuhou Shrine relocated from the "Shaocheng" ("young city") of Chengdu to a site next to Hui Tomb and Hanzhaolie Temple, which was a move that lasted up to the Ming dynasty. During the 23rd year of the Hongwu Era (1390) under the reign of Emperor Hongwu of Ming, when Zhu Chun, the Prince Shuxian of Ming, proceeded to the temple to pay homage, he decided to ...

How to learn Chinese effectively: The way of creating a Chinese environment

You are still learning new words form dictionary. You are still feel depress when you speak Chinese. Are you struggling to find the key to learn Chinese? Today is your answer. I am a Chinese native speaker and good at Chinese. I scored 135(total 150) at the exam to university in 2005. I teach my children at home while teach some western friends free. I think a more fun way should help you. So today, I want to share 4 tips for you. 1 Speak to yourself everyday  If you are a beginner, you might say it is impossible to do that. The answer is no, you are better than you think. Although you only can say “你好, 谢谢”, you should say everyday, because in this process you can build your confidence. And with the more sentence you learn, The more sentences you could speak to yourself. For example, when you get up in the morning, you say “起床”,brush your teeth, “刷牙”, that is to say, you should corporate Chinese into your daily life.   2 Watch Chinese TV show Today, IT ...


前两天碰见一个研究生,因为他低俗的语言,我就找到他,希望他能够为此道歉,他不仅没道歉,反而还来责问我,是不是太封闭了,不够开放,我很不解,难道我和大学生之间已经有代沟啦,我才离开大学不到三年。当一个人的语言或者行为对他人造成了伤害,首先要做的是道歉,而不是反过来指责对方。研究生如此的行为让我想到钱学森先生去世时感叹现在的大学出不了大师,然后带着遗憾而去,确实,在上个世纪 20 、 30 、 40 年代,国家如此贫穷的时候,我们以西南联大为首的大学培养出了如此多的大师,诸如李政道、杨振宁、邓稼先等一批享誉世界的大师,那么为什么我们现在条件比当时好的多很多的情况下,反而不如了呢?我认为原因有两点:第一、是思想的原因,首先他们有比较深厚的国学底子,他们有很强的使命感和责任感,他们深信孔孟之道,并以振兴祖国为头等大事,反观我们现在的一部分大学生,父母拿钱来读书,甚至是一辈子挣的钱给他读书,他干嘛呢?在学校逃课,在外面租房同居,用电脑打游戏,聊天,泡妹妹,他如果犯了错,还会说,这是我的个性,你管得着吗,究其根本,是没有信仰,西方思想的精华我没有学到,而我国几千年的传统思想又被抛弃,充斥在大学校园的是快餐文化,是急功近利的思想,既不信佛,也不信道,只信自己,没有信仰的民族是可怕的,关键是大学应该是思想集大成的地方,如果从这里就开始坏了,那他们进入社会就更可怕啦。第二、物质的原因,现在住房、开车是判断一个人是否成功的标杆,这是一个追求物质的时代,按理说我们的大学生应该是摒弃这种思想的,因为成功的方式是多元的,并不以物质成功为成功。而我们的部分大学生是怎么做的呢,他们用的手机要比父母好,甚至比有些大老板好,他们穿的衣服要好,不是名牌不穿;而这些钱是父母省了又省给他的,他们泡的妹妹要漂亮,并且泡完可以不负责任,毕业甚至不到毕业就说再见。大学之道,在明明德,如果德不明,智不开,岂不是很可悲?大学不是游乐园,不是用来玩耍的地方,这些年的大学扩招,降低了大学生的素质,才会出现诸如现在大学生不如农民工好找工作的现状,试想,这样的现状如何培养人才。 另外,我非常反感现在流行的快餐文化以及聊天方式,我认为快乐的聊天不需要建立在低俗的语言之上,因为这是一中心灵的扭曲,因为这部分人觉得在语言上占了便宜可以获得快感,他们把轻佻当成一种时尚,把和女生开黄色玩笑作为在网络上获取快乐的一种方式,并以此...

Anxious and Fear in Chengdu after the outbreak of virus

124 were diagnosed infection and more than 4 thousands were quarantined on 11th Feb in Chengdu. The number of infections continues to increase, which give a bad effect on people's daily life. Government ask resident stay at home, my boy didn't go outside since Jan 23, he often ask me why?  I just said it's safe at home. I can't explain to him too much. Although heavy pressure of preventing the spread of virus exists in the air, I have to work since Feb 3rd, wearing mask and goggles everyday. The most anxious thing is over 1000 staff need have lunch in the canteen. it remains significant risk of spread virus and they have an bad idea that each department send 2-4 people gather all lunch-boxes to take food, the consequence is we cost 1 hour to finish the task, while all other colleges are so hungry waiting the meal. We have to keep 2 meters when talking, there is a mood of gloom and distrust in this city. I don't know when is the end of virus, but we shou...